Friday, April 20, 2007

Hooked on Facebook

I'm now totally addicted to the site! , lol. I say it's way better than Myspace or any type of networking sites out there right now. It's the fact that there are so many people I'm starting to reconnect with going back as far from my elementary years, high school, and so forth. It's great to see soo many familiar faces and find out what they're doing now. Most I've noticed have become parents now, hehe, started their own business or work at a big company, some are working with the government, lawyers, accountants, actors, pretty much all aspects of the entertainment biz, one even has become a Professional Investor and Philanthropist! Say wha?, Way to go buddy.

Like I said, this is going to be one interesting, fun year. Things are about to get pimped out, organized and run properly. Woohoo!

*My tip for those about to venture on your own or thinking of starting their own business..-Keep records of your work, notes, emails and receipts, 'coz ya never know, lol.