Monday, February 19, 2007

2007 here we go!

The 2nd wedding of the year has come and gone. This time it was one of my elder cousins, Liza.

She lives in LA as well as her now husband. Since they both have familes here they decided to have the wedding in Toronto. The painting on the left is my gift to both of them. Looks like I'll be commissioned to do more portraitures like these this year. I have another cousin named Bienvenido who's going to get married this Fall...woa yeah!

In two weeks I'm off for my vacation in the Philippines! It's been almost 6 years since my last visit and man this one is going to be a lot more fun considering my family and I will be staying for about a month. My folks will likely stay a lil longer. I'll definitely be taking a lot of pictures and videos while I'm there. So Bam! Frig this winter cold haha :P

Well well well what do we have here...A Shocking blast from the past..former Shockmates reunite! From left-to-right; Push20, Lebo, Crozonia, Khan, Surge, and MaSaMa. (The Z-Man and Ghostrider Mirk will be joinin' the jamboree soon enuff). It was 10 years ago indeed that this crew was together like this and this was and will always be the original crew.

One thing for sure, this year is going to be very exciting and interesting..