Friday, November 21, 2008

Bon Appetit

Viva la France, aux Paris (in les downtown Toronto)

Live oil painting. Bonjour. Bordeaux les winery.
Le monsieur artiste (with les Photoshopped moustache, lol). Vive la revolution! My Oh lala assistants. Merci beaucoup ladies. Italia next oui oui? ;)

Static shock. Having some fun interaction with my painting. I can't wait to get a hold of the latest touch screen Apples..and this.

HP has an awesome product out right now so it's only a matter of time 'till the Mac gives the big bite. (Dear Santa Steve Job, I want one for this Christmas ok!!..hehe).

Simple and smooth renditions.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wild Eyes

Just like people, animals with a different colored pair of eyes are pretty interesting and unique. It's like Nature fell asleep while painting and forgot to do some color correction, lol.
Well one friend of mine has this bright baby blue eye while the other side is light brown. Which kinda reminds me of David Bowie, haha. When I first met him I sorta did one of those double takes and and asked him if he was wearing colored contacts of something. Just too cool.
Baolwf..beowulf..Now this pup is cool. (*No animal was hurt or tattooed during the digital painting process of this artwork, lol :P). Maybe when I get a pet dog I'll name him 'Painter'.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back to the Philippines

My 'ol man is heading back to the Philippines again for some business related work. The family and I went to all you-can-eat buffet 'coz he's leaving early tomorrow morning.

Double troublemakers, lol. My folks and twin nieces.

Painter works of the day. Just like on Adobe Photoshop, some of my fav things to render are 'hairs' and 'metal' on Painter. I just love the brush tools on this program. In comparison, sketching or drawing with it is actually a lot better in simulating the look and feel (with the exception of Alias Pro's Sketch). I'm still in the experimental stages but have slowly applied the techniques on my fantasy and sci-fi works. Learning to recreate the elements from scratch for example and making things as vibrant and moody as possible has always been important in my work.

A section of Lung-Mei poster (will elaborate more about this later on).
I say it's Harmony and Balance in the core and in the Arts. Hyah.

Monday, November 17, 2008

AGO-Go Taro-Mango

*Photo by PhoTO.
The New AGO has finally opened last Friday and it was free to the public for viewing throughout the weekend. Took some time to check it out and wow what an inspiring place. Didn't get to fully go around and check it out though 'coz I had to work the next day. (No photography allowed inside!?! Boo, lol.) Funny thing was that I noticed a couple of people carrying cameras, as well iPhone snappers, lol. Anywho, I'll definitely be back for more.
The next day I had to do some temporary and permanent TAATS. Thank goodness this one only wanted an airbrushed one. (Buti nga lang, lol)

Taro-Mango-Taro. Breaktime with the fashionistas :P

Green & Red.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oily Pixels

Going to the art supply stores always feels like Christmas. I can stay there for hours and drool at the many products, lol. Specially the paint brush aisle.
The latest painter works. Learning some new functions and techniques almost everyday.
Red City.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Honing the skills on another art form I like. Tattooing. Some people think this stuff is easy but there's definitely a lot to it than just drawing on a live skin. Even after a year, I don't think I could call myself a true tattoo artist, yet..until I get a real one on myself, lol. I have a few cool designs in mind already but I think once I have finished my special martial Arts 'Painter X' training, then it'll be the day. I can always settle for the temporary taats for now.

My good friend Cho-Zen's got an awesome tattoo on his shoulder. Badass and suits him well. One thing for sure, I'd like to get my family crest (which I researched and actually exist) and my own custom dragon. The scary part is of course is getting addicted to it and adding a tattoo piece for every freaking occasion :P. As they say 'No Pain. No Gain'.
Very Rosey. Why Art never gets boring.

Zrrt! Zrrt! Zrrrrrt! (times a million). 'Life/Death' Ambigram design. (likod ni angel eto ;))

He's The White Devil. Lol, 'coz he says so.

Gyals. My fav and quick fun writings.

A Medusa unfortunate, this sucker weighs about 70lbs!, lol. Just one of my latest sculptures to airbrush. Woof.

The young and old, portraits digitally brushed and painted, sold sold sold.
Can't wait to compile my Sci-Fi/Fantasy stuff.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Displayed some of my works at the Alumni Art Gallery at my former high school. My digital prints-to-canvas has finally arrived!! With well over 250 illustrations and counting (147 are displayed on the poster), it's been a long time since I've participated in an art exhibition, better yet a solo exhibit will definitely be in my list for '09.

My printer at home, lol. Yeah right, I wish I have one of these babies.

More Painter training.

A Thank You from the club owners
Did some celebrating Thursday night. The club owners downtown invited and thanked my friends and I for the excellent decor works we did for the Halloween themes. More props and cheers to our main lady D!

Decor Diamond D. Cheers to you again and goodtimes. Aux les Paris theme next!

Yong magical fairy ko for Sin City part2, lol.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Historic Day

What a momentous, historic today was. America has chosen their 44th President.

I'd like to say congratulations,President Barack Obama! Looks like I'm going to be busy airbrushing his portrait during the next coming weekends, lol. ;).

A super light, high tech welding helmet.

A custom order...'nuff said.

He asked for this. Interestingly enough, he says his 2nd fav team are the Leafs.

More club decor works.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Freak Night


So another fun event has come and gone. Hope you kiddies enjoy them chocolates and candies and make sure to chuck out any suspect goodies.

Deadly Martial Artists..hiyahhh.
Distracted by the bow, 'Bonk!'. Counterpunch Kidney-broken-itus! You're next Samurai-Pixsnappin' Cowboy'. The training is slowly paying off.

The best avocado lunch I've had in a while. That's one fat fruit.

The latest in fashion trend. Here's the gym belt I did..Cobra Law!

It's me underneath that mask. Alo-alohahh.Blue Genie. That guy was dang funny.

Angels & Demons. Goodtimes. Thanks to the Deadliest-Decor-Demon and Baddest Anghel.

Dragon kid outside the club performing.

My inner dojo, diving in 'The Daddy Mac' machine and being a 'Painter X' fiend.
Just like martial arts, the theory and practical stuff I'm learning from this is essential and has rejuvenated my love for painting. It's nice to have balance and variety in all things in life. Maybe it's just my thing. Art is always evolving. I'm excited and just looking forward to see where this thing takes me.

Latest Painter art. Hello Kitty.